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National campaigns

Speaking up, lobbying and signing petitions are all ways of fighting climate change. Whether you like the tactics of Extinction Rebellion or not, there’s always a way to contribute to national campaigns that suits you.

  • Be inspired by the people around you, or the changes you’re making at home yourself.
  • Choose a cause or an organisation you are passionate about or interested in. That makes it easy for you to focus and not feel overwhelmed by a lot of information.
  • Check out organisations that work in the area you are interested in. They will often have sections on their website or in their literature that tell you how you can be involved and support them.
  • Remember that making donations also counts as support. You can donate to Greener and Cleaner online too!
Father and son with placard "we have no time to lose"

What we’re doing

We’re working locally on issues that matter most to you. We also contribute to national campaigns, like Climate Coalition’s Show  the Love campaign.

Everyone’s Environment and Net Zero changes

Greener and Cleaner are part of Everyone’s Environment. Jointly we crafted and sent a letter to the Prime Minister opposing the net zero changes delaying environmental policies.

Useful links

They work for you

Great for contacting individual MPs etc but also can subscribe to get updates on what’s happening in parliament in an accessible way

How does a bill become law?