We deliver. With a team of passionate and ambitious changemakers behind us, we can deliver a variety of outreach and training opportunities. Both online or in person.
- Training or away days
- Lunch and learns
- Public speaking
- Partnerships
- Provide panel members and more.
Above all, we’re interested in helping people make changes to fight the climate crisis whilst highlighting the benefits for wellbeing and reducing the cost of living.
Speaking up
We have an engaging and knowledgeable team ready to attend your events, talks, lunch and learns, team meetings or other occasions.
Parisa Wright
“I’m a working mum living in Shortlands, Bromley. I’m passionate about raising awareness and bringing people together to make simple but impactful green changes at a local level. Driven by my kids, and all our kids – their wellbeing, now and to come, is in our hands right now”.
Previous engagements are numerous and include COP26, Sustainability Live, Wildlife Trust Annual Conference, Transitions Towns and Anthropy at the Eden Project.
Parisa has left her legal and business affairs career of over 20 years to focus 100% on the continued and fast-paced growth of Greener and Cleaner. Facilitating inclusive and accessible community engagement to address the climate crisis, biodiversity loss and air pollution is what we do best.
Parisa is also spearheading a ground-breaking “Diversity and Inclusion in Sustainability” project with Imperial College London and BEIS. Bringing the conversation, skills support, community building and confidence around climate change to the masses.
You can watch her Ted X talk here.
As part of our outreach, organisations we have worked with and conferences we have spoken at include:
Carbon Literacy training
A real eye-opener, Carbon Literacy training dramatically opens up the discussion around why it’s so important and what it really means. It will leave participants feeling empowered with the first easy steps they can take to reduce their carbon footprint both in the workplace and at home.
Suitable for businesses and individuals alike. Costs vary depending on the number of participants and we do offer a charity rate. Please contact us for further information.
“I felt the course [Carbon Literacy] was extremely informative and thought-provoking. It gave the opportunity to discuss personal concerns as well as how to make future changes.
Clare was knowledgeable and clear and her non-judgemental approach was super-helpful as we can often feel a level of guilt for not doing enough. I came away feeling more equipped and starting to make changes in my life.”
Becky Hughes
Youth outreach team
For schools and youth organisations, we have a dedicated youth outreach lead. We offer workshops or learning programmes to support those who want to deliver teaching and learning about climate change and what we can do about it. Without the overload that can lead to eco-anxiety, our team are great at integrating with your learning structure, and the children or young people you support.
Our enthusiastic team also supports pupils who may be on their school council, green committee, or in an eco warrior role.
Our ground-breaking research
75% of adults and 90% of children are worried about climate change and eco anxiety is on the rise. But commonplace advice and strategies for sustainable living leave many feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, cynical or excluded from the conversation. So we’re carrying out ground-breaking research to increase diversity and inclusion in climate change, active engagement and open discussions for systemic change.
This work has received endorsement and support from Dr Richard Carmichael (Imperial College London), Dr Kris De Meyer (UCL), Professor Colin Strong (IPSOS) and funding from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).
We are now seeking funding for stage two; to sustain and embed The Hub, develop the research programme, and to share the results nationally between now and 2025. You can find out more details and read our case for funding online.