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In your community

Uniting in your community to support the environment gives additional mental and physical wellbeing benefits because it gives us a purpose beyond ourselves. It gives us engagement, flow and meaning or purposeful existence; two of the central pillars of the PERMA model in Positive Psychology theory.

There are a number of activities you can address as a community:

And don’t worry if some of these terms mean little to you right now, we’ll do our best to explain them.

Who is in my community?

The first step to getting greener in your community is thinking about who is part of it.

  • You may be part of a sports club,
  • parents group,
  • have a regular meet up for a craft or hobby.
  • Your neighbours where you live – even if you haven’t met them yet!
  • Perhaps you belong to a Rotary Club or other community group?

We’re happy to provide materials enabling you to talk to them about climate change and what you can do to help fight it as a collective.

We have strong links with our local communities and will help you build yours too.